
Mom and Dad have made it to Jeanne and Stan's. They plan on being back Wednesday night. We are in charge of the kitten they have been feeding with an eye dropper and now up to a bottle. I have put some soft food in a bowl, which she is eating, and a bottle a couple times a day to supplement. And best of all I gave her a litter box and she is using it. All the kids have left for this evening. Kara, Darren and Isaiah got back from Indiana and Ross, Amanda and Kayla came down. Mainly, I think they all came for my pizza dip !! Had that and chicken on the grill. Kayla weighs 8# 12 oz. now. She had lost quite a few ounces at first, she is now back on track. I think Amanda said she has gained 15 oz. in 15 days. Also drew names for the Christmas gift exchange here. Speaking of Christmas, talked to Diane today, and her and James are coming home for Christmas. December 26 to January 2 or so. Since she will be here, I may try to have another Tallman get-together. We haven't done that for a few years.
Hope you all have a good week,

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