
Good Morning !

Lilly and Isaiah both spent the night. Got up early and Lilly is gone to a volleyball game (Ariana) And pretty soon Kara and Darren will be here to get Isaiah. They are going to Indiana today to Darren's folks. I'm going over to Mom and Dad's later today, I have some squash for them and a new Davis Farm hat. Have not seen Kayla. They did not come up Wednesday. We were going to go last night, but we are both getting over colds, so we didn't go. The sun is shining here today and I think about 65, so should be a good fall day. Rick and I have bowling tonight, ( every other Saturday @ 8:30, and then a surprise 40th party for the wife of one of his friends. Did you guys know I had a surprise party for Rick this summer for his 40th? I had one of the guys he works with take him golfing after work, and when they got back we were all there. It was good. Isaiah wants to play stickers right now, so that's it for now.

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