
Almost Happy New Year

Good morning, everyone.

Tonight is the Tallman gathering, should be fun. I believe everyone is coming except for April and Dalen.

Christmas was good and we are happy to have Diane here for a while with James. I am hearing Meghan is having a great time in New York and seeing all the sights there is to see.
No plans for New Years Eve, we usually don't, watch the ball, shrimp cocktail and munchies. But Rick is having a party on Monday for the Ohio State game with some of his buddies.

I am looking forward to the new year to try again. Most of us have had our problems this year and it gives me a chance to put the unpleasant in the past, and gives us a starting over point. There have been some things that I am happy about this past year for the better and things I have been disappointed in as well. But at the same time it gives me time to reflect that we are all still standing except of course for Babe, who was close to family. Whew, we made it another year, including Mom and Dad. They are looking forward to their 52 Anniversary. A couple of times I have walked in over there and found them going through the chest I had bought them to put the mementos from the 50th. Newspaper clippings, the trip, cards they got, pictures etc. They listen to a radio station and a program called Renfro Valley Sunday Morning gathering at 5:30 AM where it is all old time hymns and they mention anniversaries and birthdays of note. Dad had me call to announce theirs on it the week before and after. So they as well are reflecting on another year.

Wish all of you happiness and blessings in the New Year and my prayers are for all of us for thanksgiving for what we have.


From Diane

I hope this comment gets to you all. I always forget my password. I do read all the LC Happenings. Here in Florida it's in the 50's. and very humid so it's wet. The entire family has been sick. Kevin has been to the doctor 3 times with a temp of 103. The chest x-ray was clear thankfully. James and I are excited about our trip to Ohio. Meghan is equally excited about New York City. She really wants to ride the subway so she was glad to hear the strike is over. Keep the snow coming for our trips!!! Sorry to hear about Wayne, I always felt like he worked hard for that company. Something better will come available. Goodluck to Wayne. Jeanne slip home between Dec.26 and 31st. Ha Ha. We'd love to see you


I think I figured this out

This is a test to see if I've done a post correctly. Hope so. I started my Christmas break and think I'll take two weeks. Benjamin hates to feel behind so he is going to do lessons till Thursday and then break for a week. That is only Benjamin's sentiment. Everyone else is glad for a longer break. This weekend John had a "poolee" function. That's what he is called in the Marines DEP program. It was a physical strength competition. He was pleased with his performance. He came in second overall out of sixteen and first in the two mile run. He has joined a Rifle club as well as the Military Club at school. More on the other kids another time. Jeanne


Babe's gone

Babe died last night. She has not been doing well, been to the vet about every week this month. She starting having seizures in Wisconsin. That has continued. When she went to the vet last week she had a lump on her side and they were told it was probably cancer. Yesterday she only laid under the table and kind of had tremors. Jess and I were there last night and we put her on a rug and Jess was stopping in the morning to help Dad take her to the vet for the last time. They stayed up til midnight with her, Dad was back up at 3:00 am and she was gone. Jess took her out this morning and will try to get her in the ground this afternoon.

Dad has been a little under the weather, having some bladder problems with spasms and a kink in his shoulder. He said he just doesn't do well in December, LOL. He was to the doctor yesterday.

Davis Farm Christmas party tonight and Santa at ADS in the morning for the kids and grandkids. Shadday dinner here on Sunday.



We got snow !!

We got 8" here. Rick had bought a used mower with a plow over the summer and he got to use it this morning. Got up at 5:00 to get it done by the time we left. He was all happy.

ADS has the Christmas party tomorrow night at the Elks in Napoleon and Kayla is coming to spend the night at our house. It is Amanda's party also. Kara is watching her for a few hours until we get home.

Went to the VA office with Dad this week to go over that stuff and get an application. Will probably go over tomorrow to get the forms filled out and in the mail. It will take a couple of weeks to hear and then decide what to do with the Medicare.

I have no shopping done yet, but I do have my lists made. Some stuff I am getting online so that will be easy and I may do that tonight.

Sunday is the Children's Christmas program at church and Lilly will be singing with her group. Marv and Jean McLaughlin are also getting together with the kids this year at Kara and Darren's with gifts for the great-grandbabies on Sunday night.

Well, that will just about fill up this week-end !!


PH won

Patrick Henry won the state game Friday. 47 to 25 or something like that. Central Catholic from Toledo also won their division.

Going over to put up Mom and Dad's Christmas tree tonight. We are also going up to the VA sometimes this week, to see what happens there, before we set up the Medicare program. Hope to go shopping sometime this week to get started.

Jess did the bathroom this weekend. It still had the black with stars on it. It is now deep red on the bottom, cream on the top and an Americana type border. It looks nice. The white walls in the living room and dining room are continuing to get on my nerves, but they won't get done that soon. Maybe after the first of the year.

Rick cleaned up the garage to get his truck in there to park for winter and to have it decent for when the Christmas dinners begin. I am making a to do list to try and get things done before the last couple of days, and it is a mad dash at the end.




I got the email notification, so it appears to be working.
The family made it home from Chicago, Lucy's eye is the same, there isn't anything they can do until it detaches. Tell Ross congratulation! Is he going to have it mounted?


Today is the PH state football game. Mom and Dad are coming over to watch it on TV. It is on ONN network at 3:00. Rick is taping it to watch after work and Kara & family are coming to have enchiladas for this evening. Should be fun.

Ross got a deer yesterday. 5 point with the 6th point broken off. But a good sized one. They ran him out from behind our house and got him out behind Hartford's house. No one has been in the state ground behind our house yet, so several of them were settled in back there.

Jess had his final physical today and starts Sunday night as direct hire at Sauders Sunday night.
Yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How's Lucy doing? Did you get Dakota back home for school?

I have been trying to get some kind of automatic email system for when a post is made to let everyone know, but nothing is working how I what. So for now I will simply send a manual email whenever a post is made as a reminder. If you all have been getting tests and invites that is what they are for. You can ignore the Google group invite because I am not going with that system.
