
Happy New Year !!!!!

Hope you have a great one. Rick and I will be having
shrimp cocktail and watching movies.

Mom and Dad went out for supper with Delmar and
Carol and then back to their house for the evening.
I am happy for the blessings we had this year, and
looking forward to the new year and things I can
do better and look forward to this year.

Christmas was good. Candlelight service was
canceled due to the ice, so that was a disappointment.
From Rick I got a digital photo frame that also plays
music and videos, so I have been having a great time
with that. I have it all loaded up. He said it was for me
to take to work, but I like having it here and adding
pics and songs all the time. When I get time I will put
up a link with all the Christmas pics.

We will have another big year ahead.
Mom and Dad's 55 years, John coming home,
David will graduate I think, Rick and I
will be doing Vegas in June for bowling tourney,
Cooperstown in July and whoever is coming
home during the summer.

that's it for now,


Merry Christmas Everyone !!!!!!!!!!!

Hoping all of you and yours has a Wonderful Merry Christmas.

We will be having dinner at 6:00, Christmas service at 7:30 and then presents after church.
Everyone will be there, so it should be great. I will be thinking of all of you and wishing blessings to you.

Everything is ice here and then covered with water, so quite scary sometimes. Big shortage of salt and too expensive so the state and county aren't using much. In fact the county none, except for intersections.

Please continue to keep John in your prayers. I have sent him the link and subscription to the blog, but he has not been able to activate, and I don't know if he has been able to visit or not.

All Our Love,
Rick and Cheryl


Good Morning

Hello Everyone,

I don't think I told you that Nathan got a doe and a buck this year. They were both good size. He was sooo proud of the buck. His first. It was an 8 point, too. He butchered it with the help of his brothers and sisters. I kept the tenderloin and made it into jerky. I am getting ready to send some to John.
For Christmas we are having Doug and Stephanie and Lois here. I am looking forward to that. I already have a menu planned as they will be here for several days. I'm wanting to have some snow here to brighten things up and it would be nice for Christmas.
I want to recommend a book that is popular right now, even on the New York Times best seller list, What in the World is Going On, by David Jeremiah my former pastor when I lived in Fort Wayne. ( He's long since left Fort Wayne) It's about the end times, which is beginning in the here and now! I don't have too many former pastors as my current pastor tends to follow me around! :)

Love, Jeanne


Good Morning

Just cleaning up and listening to Mariah Carey Christmas CD. Thinking of everyone, hope you are well.
Rick and I went to Toledo for shopping and supper. Dec. 12 is our anniverary. 21 years, can you believe it.
Took Mom and Dad Thursday night for their shopping, had a good trip and nice time.
Still working out the details for the oxygen. Hopefully will be soon.
Nothing else much, just was thinking of everyone, and wanted to say hello.
Love Cheryl


Good Morning,

Sun is shining again so when it warms up have to finish the leaves in the yard.

Rick and I going over to Mom and Dads a bit to work on TV, pay bills, etc. then I think they are coming over here to watch football state game today at 3:00. Liberty -Benton is in.
Got them a new tree and will put that up today for them .

Jess and Lilly went coat shopping this morning.

This is Diane's post that she left as a comment. When you click on the link, I didn't know if everyone scrolled down to see all of it with her comment, so I reposted it here.

We had a nice Thanksgiving also, the neighbors came over for appetizers at noon and I put our turkey in at 2:00. We ate out on the picnic table on the patio, that table is bigger and I fixed enough food for way more than just us four but I wanted leftovers. James has a baseball tournament this weekend starting today. He's also playing basketball for the town team. only rec. no travel. He's doing well (for him) in school. and seems very happy, that's our goal. Meghan is also playing basketball for the town. no school basketball to many politics. several girls didn't go out this year so they are also playing for the town, that will make it fun. She still is doing the straight A's so no problem there. Some of you may know Kevin went to the Cleveland Clinic to seek new eyes, looking for something different than just maintaining his back, they do have options in the surgery area. He's having his family doctor call down there and get all the info, so we understand what it will involve. I told mom the other day, if Kevin has anything done I would like them to fly down to help me, (the Cleveland Clinic is about 1 1/2 hours south of here, I can't be at two places at once, and of course have no one else to help, any offers if they refuse??? anyway the first comment was what about the dogs. I offered Jess to stay at their house (sorry Jess)more info on that later. I also am getting a package ready for John. I'm sure he'll be shocked but appreciative. Love to you all, Diane

I don't know how much 'help' Mom and Dad would be, but Jess is laid off right now, depending on when they think about doing something. He will be off until at least January. I did bring it up to him and he is good with that. Whenever you guys get something narrowed down let us know.

Dad has his box ready to send to John also. Will print off some pictures for them to send also today.

Okay I guess I had better get busy on 'today'........

Love always, Cheryl


Happy Thanksgiving

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all enjoying this day. Blessings to all.

Stan and I got the turkey in early and then went for our routine walk. Nice day out and no wind, perfect. We ate at noon and then I promptly took a nap. Boy did that feel good. I could hardly wake up. Tonight we are getting ready to light a fire in the fireplace and drink cider and watch a movie. Tomorrow morning we will leave for Fowler's Hollow State Park with the camper for an overnight. We have two little space heaters to keep us warm. This is supposed to be fun! I'm hoping I stay warm! There are some great sales at Kohls early tomorrow and David wants to go so perhaps I will go with him before we leave. All before 8 AM.

I'm hoping John calls this evening. While watching detainees, he is at a desk with a phone which he can use for 20 minutes. It's been real nice to hear his voice. This month long assignment will end this week and we haven't heard what is next. They had a nice meal too. Yesterday he said the Iraqis who work in the chow hall were busy with preparations. They are very nice to the Marines.

Last week John participated in a competition with 12 Marines who are learning advanced Marine Corps Martial Arts. They competed one on one in a tournament. John won the tournament! Wow. He is running a lot too. I wouldn't want to cross him!! He's ready to come home. And we will be glad when he is.

Well, they are ready for the movie. More later. Love to all, Jeanne


Hey there

What's happening with you guys?

Dad did well on his stress test today.
They will call him Monday or Tuesday.

Rick and Dad are going to the
PH/Liberty-Benton playoff
game at BGSU tomorrow night.
Mom is going to come over here.
Kayla & Kallie will be here also.

Had to get my car worked on this
week, some coolant thing broke and I
have been driving the red truck.
The Mustang is put away for
the winter ............. Got the car
back tonight, thank goodness.

Lilly is doing well with her cast,
comes off the beginning of December.
Only has to have it on for month.
Well that is all I have for now.
Talk to you later. Cheryl


Hope you all voted today .....

Been having a nice fall here. Almost 70 today and tomorrow,
but I guess the weekend going to make a change.

Kids went Trick or Treating last Thursday
and I have added some pictures.
They had a great time then all of them and Mom & Dad
came over for chili, cider and donuts. Nice evening all around.

Lilly broke her right wrist. Jess had raked up a big pile of leaves for her and Isaiah to play in Saturday all day. Then Sunday after church she went back out. Went to step up on the tractor tire and slipped and fell. He took her to ER and confirmed it and over to Wauseon on Monday afternoon to get a cast put on. Bright orange. She did go back to school today.

Mom and Dad are doing well. Dad's heart dr. appt. is Monday. Cate went to vet today. Molly is growing and doing quite well.

Hope you all are continuing to keep John in your prayers. If you are not getting his emails home let me know if you want to receive them. I know he has internet access now and I will send him an invite to the blog, and see if he can make that happen.

James is playing in Cooperstown July 25 thru the 31 next year and will be there over induction weekend. Diane and Kevin are making plans for a place to stay and us and some of Jeannes' are hoping to go for a few days when we can.

What's going on ????

Love Cheryl


Shame on Me.......

I said I was going to get back it and the last 2 posts were from Jeanne in the spring.

Did have good summer visits with all of you so it's not like you don't know anything. LOL

First of all a link from John.

I have signed you all up for email subscriptions again. Everything is changing to thru Goggle all the time. You will get a notification to activate if you want to subscribe. I know, you love the new background right ?????

Had a good weekend visit from Jeanne and Rachel. We were there both afternoons and the kids played.

Mom and Dad are good.

Here are a couple more pictures of Molly, yes she has a name now.

Last weekend we had the annual trip top the Corn Maize. Went back to Kara's and had chili and munchies and then the adults went back for Scream Acres. I could not resist this picture of Logan and Kayla. I don't know if it is because of their closeness in age or what, but as you can see, they are not that into each other. She is mad and he would not look at me.

Well I will try to get back to you again soon. And you all too.

Later. Cheryl


Lots happening

Hi all,
We had a great weekend with Mom,Dad and Cheryl. The graduation was incredible. Not like any I've been too. When it was time for the parents to line up to hand out our students' diplomas I felt a real rush of emotion. Cheryl gave me a good hug. Stan and I both walked across the stage with 2500 people looking on and proudly gave Sarah her diploma. She graduated with Academic Honors and Distinction from Mason Dixon Homeschool Association. Sarah plans to work for a year and then attend nursing school to become an RN and then attend Lancaster Bible College. She works at Cherry Hill Orchards in the store right now, but in the fall she wants to begin working at Womens and Babies Hospital as a Patient Care Assistant.

Stan has this week as vacation and I am looking forward to RELAXING. With this heat wave here we have decided to go the beach on Tuesday and spend a night and come back Wednesday. A quick trip, but with David's work schedule we have to be back for Thursday. It is not so easy going away this year. We have to work around the kids schedule! I don't think Sarah is going with us due to working. She is enjoying her red Honda Civic. She had it detailed inside and out and it does look very nice.

John is doing well. Last week, he attended language school for Arabic and this week he is taking classes on Arab culture. Any emails received from you guys we will forward to John.

Cheryl, thanks for setting me up for easier access to the blog! She gave me a number of helps on computer use and I actually may start to enjoy it. Love, Jeanne


Lots happening

Hey all,
Just thought I'd drop a quick note. Lots going on here. We had a nice send off gathering for John on May 10th. Our backyard was full of people as we had a barbeque and campfire for John.
Today I've been busy getting Sarah ready for her 'formal'. The homeschoolers all around here have a nice meal etc. at a very nice hotel and then they will have an all night 'after formal'. I'm a chaperone for the whole thing along with other moms on the formal committee so I will be staying up all night too! Lots of memories here. Then tomorrow John begins five days of admin stuff at the Harrisburg offices of the Marines. That will end with a huge Family Day Picnic with the whole company on May 22. John comes home with us that day and has the weekend with us. On May 26 we will say our goodbyes and the next day they all fly to 29 Palms, CA. I am busy helping him do final packing also. Stan is trying to get emails together for group emails when John has a chance to send something you also can get it. Send me your emails so I can be sure you are on the list. jeannemaughan@comcast.net I better go get myself ready for this all nighter. Love, Jeanne


Happy Spring.......

Been out burning this evening.

BUSY at work, even worked Saturday and I don't usually have to do that. The farmers haven't been able to get anything done so they are at it now. So we are top dressing wheat, spreading fertilizer, doing preplant anhydrous and planting corn all at one time.

Kalli is growing, went there Sunday to visit. Logan had his second birthday and party April 5.
Ross is back to work so Amanda is on her own.

Diane sent a bunch of pictures from the Florida trip but I haven't got them up yet and Wayne sent some also last week of the boys and Hauks birthday. I will try soon to get a few of them on.

Diane will be here the last two weeks in July and the first two weeks of August. Wayne can make it either of the last two weeks of July. So Jeanne can you make either of the last two weeks of July work ? Going to try and plan some camping, maybe back to Michigan again. Maybe even just a long weekend.

Sarah will be graduating in June.

And Jeanne what is the word on John? Any idea when and where?

Later, Cheryl


Lilly's Birthday

Mom and Dad are having a great time. Jess came back last Friday night.
Today is Lilly's birthday. 7 already. Had cake and ice cream at Lisa's Sunday night. The photo on the top is Jess and Darren putting the finishing touches on the trampoline he got her. Yes it is dark and sleeting, but it needed to be done when she got off the bus after school. She screamed running up the driveway.
The bottom picture are the five new kitties at Mom and Dad's. Thought they would get a kick out of that.
Darla Kamm of Ken and Darla Kamm died yesterday. They found cancer after Christmas in her gall bladder and liver.
And the biggest news, we will have a baby by this time tomorrow night. Amanda went to the doctor today and if she hasn't went by morning they will induce at 8:00. They figure the baby is 8# and she is more than 2 dialated. Will let you know as soon as I know.
Well that was my day..............how was yours ?????


Florida, here they come.....

We got them packed up last night and will head out after Dad's appt at 11:30 this morning. Hopefully they can be on the road by 2:00 to get as far south as they can because of the storm moving in. Jess is driving down with them and flying back March 14. Rick will fly down March 26 and drive with them back.

Everyone here is doing well and we are patiently waiting on Amanda. Kayla is coming to stay with us while she is in the hospital.

Jeanne, I wanted to make a comment about John going out, but I cannot come up with anything. Our prayers will be with him and your family. I hope the translation thing works out and he enjoys that. Let us know what you can when you can. Great for you too to be able to be in the network.

Well that is all for now,
Love Cheryl



Jess's assault sentencing hearing was yesterday and the guy got a year in prison. Jess and I both went, the guy was there with his girlfriend and mom. The girlfriend was crying. He was trying to get community control. His lawyer made a statement about him being sorry and did not want to make light of what had happened, but he has 5 children that depend on him. He then made a statement that he was sorry, had learned his lesson, etc. blah, blah. Jess had already filled out a victim's impact statement that was quite good, and they wanted to know what money was owed Jess for restitution, which was 1600.00, but instead of just that I made up a spreadsheet, that showed how much each bill was and what insurance paid, what the State of Ohio paid and what was left to pay. I wanted him to see the total bill was close to 40,000. The judge started talking about the seriousness of the injuries, his prior prison time in Tenn. for assault, and previous assault arrests, for 3 times in a month in 2001, that there was no way he could give him community control. The judge then said he would get 12 months in prison, 3 yrs of community control after that, 2500 fine, pay restitution and court costs.


'Old Man Weirauch'

Richard “Rocky” H. Weirauch March 7, 1925 - Feb. 18, 2008Richard “Rocky” H. Weirauch, 82, of Liberty Center died Monday at Fulton County Health Center in Wauseon.Born March 7, 1925, in Henry County, he was the son of George and Martha (Gebers) Weirauch. On July 20, 1969, he married Sandra Crosser, who survives. He worked for the City of Napoleon Electrical Department for 30 years, retiring in 1988. He was a former employee of Walker Mortuary in Napoleon and was a World War II Army veteran. He was a member and former deacon of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in McClure, a former member of the I.O.O.F. Lodge #260 of Napoleon and a former den leader for the Boy Scouts Pack #89 of Napoleon.He is also survived by a son, Anthony of Napoleon; two daughters, Katherine Weasel of Tucson, Ariz., and Christina Saman of Defiance; three brothers, Raymond of Toledo, Donald (Virginia) of Richmond, Mich., and Orville (Jackie) of Napoleon; two sisters, Thelma Wilson of Alvordton, Ohio, and Ruth (August) Schackow of Defiance; five grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Shari Ann Weirauch; two brothers, Lyal and Lawrence; and a sister, Rose Marie Dominique.Services will be 10:30 a.m. Thursday at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in McClure, Rev. Robert Johnson officiating. Interment will be at Riverview Memory Gardens in rural Defiance County, where military honors will be accorded by the joint veterans posts of Napoleon. Visitation will be 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Wednesday at Walker Mortuary, Napoleon.The family suggests memorial contributions be made to the church or the benevolence of the family.


Hi all

Hey, we just came back from a quik trip to Florida. Daytona Beach area. We drove straight through each way. I wish I could have seen Diane and all. We didn't plan ahead too well. We decided on a Thursday and left on the following Sunday. We stayed in Blue Spring State Park where a lot of manatees winter. Very nice and there were a lot of manatees! We went canoeing there and Nathan and Benjamin are very sure they saw an alligator eat a bird. We were behind them and really don't think so, but we can't convince them. Sooo, maybe they did. Rachel did see an alligator near the Blue Spring so they are in the area. We took one day trip to the Kennedy Space Center and of all things a tornado warning came on and we had to take cover. A tornado actually did touch down in the area. That evening we rented Apollo 13. John, Sarah and David stayed behind in Lancaster because of college classes. I cooked meals ahead for them and I think they liked being a little independent.

We found out that John will be deployed around the middle of May. He will spend three months training in the Palm Springs CA area first. He got positive feedback from various Marines on his rifle skills at the drill last weekend. That made him feel good. Me too. Also, three fellows in his platoon have been selected to learn some Arabic and John was one of them. He likes languages and is thrilled. They will send him for this somewhere but I do not know any details. I have signed up to be a part of a Key Volunteer Network. That means I am a contact person for about 15 families. It also means I get information about what's going on with his platoon quickly and pass it on to these families. I want to do something to help too.

Love Jeanne


Good Morning...

Just to say HI! before church.

Dad is getting better on the computer. Yesterday I went over and moved the living room around and got the computer on the new desk they bought. Rick is going to have to move the thermostat up on the wall, but he has been in New York for the last week and a half, so hopefully this week.

Mom was not feeling well yesterday. Looked like she was getting a cold. Stuffy and her one eye was red and puffy. Felt tired.

All the kids are good. Amanda is coming along.

We bought a different car. 2002 Dodge Intrepid. 4 doors and bigger. Alot easier to haul around the kids in.

When is everyone coming home in the summer ???? Jeanne was going to be here this weekend but had a big storm Friday. Rick drove home from New York and it was a long drive. Icy out there. We going to plan the camping trip ?? Look at your schedules.

Gotta go,
Love Cheryl


A few updates.....

Today is Amanda's birthday, she is 31. Mom, Dad, Rick, Jess and I went out for dinner for my birthday last Monday, and then they went to Shuckers for their anniversary on Thursday. They also went to a surprise party for Delmar on Saturday.

We are going to get them a computer on Saturday and their internet will get hooked up on Tuesday, so they are going to want emails. I will send out their address as soon as I get them going. Dad wants to do that, and also when he watches the news they always say, 'more information on our website'. So I think he will have fun messing around on it. He has wanted one for a while and I just haven't gotten to it.

For anyone who has not talked to them in a week or so, they did determine that Mom has early stage alzheimers. She is on a medication to help with memory loss and will go back in a month. At her appointment they have a set of questions and memory tests that target those things and she did not do so well. Of course her attitude is good as always. I am trying to talk them into Meals on Wheels to help out a little.

All the little kids are doing well. Lilly continues to do well in school. She is in Advanced Reading, but has trouble folowing directions. ( Imagine that !!) Isaiah made me a birthday with a picture on it. After he gave it to me he took it back and folded up to a little square and whispered to me,
" Just put this in your pocket and don't show it to anyone because everyone will want one and there will just be a fight over it'. Cracked me up !! We had cake and ice cream at Kara's. Kayla is just too cute as always. She is really liking to talk on the phone. I love telling her 'I love you' and her quiet little voice always says 'love you' back. Her and Logan are a little close in age and don't generally see eye to eye. She basically will do what ever it is to make him mad and it doesn't take much to make him mad. She will ride the scooter and pull the cart so he can't have either one. They are in a power struggle right now. She was 2 in September and he will be 2 in April.

That's it for now, anyone else have an update ?????
