
Summer break

Hello Everyone,
We finished our school for the year here! That's always a nice feeling. We had our evaluations this past Friday and all went well. I had chosen a different evaluator and she did not disappoint me. She gave each child a lot of time and enjoyed all the work they had to show off. Today is Tuesday and I feel like I have a lot of time on my hands to catch up.

Stan's brother, Doug, and his wife Stephanie were here yesterday for the day. Had a nice visit. They have a kerry blue terrier dog with them who just had obedience training in Pittsburgh. Nice dog but not for me. We hope they will come down for Christmas this year.

Kara, glad to hear from you. I'm anxious to meet Logan. I have never regretted staying home with my kids. I worked one day a week for years and that was a nice fit for us as Stan would watch the kids. I'm not working outside the home at all the past five years. I always loved nursing but I don't need the stress right now. If I ever went back it would not be to hospital nursing.

Diane, I bet it's hot down there. It's finally summer here. 94 today. Would you please look in your den for some necklaces of mine. I took 3 brown beaded necklaces, colorful and an opal necklace mounted on a square piece of sterling silver. It was Stan's moms.

Cheryl, I really liked your longer hair!

Wayne, I'm glad to hear about your new position!

John's graduation is June 6. I'm glad Mom and Dad can come. I do get concerned about the long drive for them. We will get to meet Katy. We have a golden too, Lily. They ought to have fun together. `John may or may not leave in July for the Marines. He is fighting something and is extremely fatigued. This has gone on for about three months. Frequency testing showed acute mono. Lab testing looked normal for a number of things. The doctor would like him to wait and John is okay with that. So am I!

Well, I'm off to enjoy my first day of vacation.
Love, Jeanne


I have the air on today. Supposed to be 87 and very muggy from the rain we have had this week.

A couple of graduations here this year. Kasey Bodenbender, Jason, Mark's boy and Jessica, Billy's girl, and Jorden. Mom and Dad are leaving Tuesday the 6th and coming back on the 8th for John's graduation.

Rick has been battling a cold this week and now I am starting in. Dad talked to his doctor this week and they both felt better afterwards. He talked like the vein that is blocked is a small one and shouldn't cause much of a problem. It was really weighing on the two of them.

I haven't talked to them this morning yet, they are out, but I think it is unlikely that he will be marching this year in the parade. So I am glad we have made sure we have all been there the last couple of years when he has. Maybe he will meet them at the cemetary. I think we are all going to the pond for the day. Oh, that reminds me, we have to go do flowers at the graves. I guess maybe Sunday night.

I hope Kevin and Stan are both doing well. Oh yeah, Diane, which part of Jupiter is the 'small town' ?????

Wayne starts his new job June 5th. I don't know when the move will be. I think Lucy and the kids are staying in Wis. for the summer. Good Luck to you.

Have a great week-end !!
Hello everyone!!! My first post!! My 8 weeks are finally up. I go back to work on Tuesday. Logan is getting really big. At one month he was 13 lbs 3 oz. He goes back to the dr a week from Monday. Can't wait to see where he is then. Isaiah and Logan will be going to a new sitter for the summer since their normal sitter is expecting and due June 6th. A little worried about how Isaiah will do since he has been at Becky's since he was 6 weeks old. He says he won't cry but we will see how he does. Darren and I are looking at maybe being able to stay at home either full time or maybe part time. We will see. Well I just wanted to send a quick post out. I hope everyone is doing good. Oh and Diane, the outfits that you got Isaiah when he was born he didn't really get to wear but they have been perfect for Logan!!!! Talk to everyone later.



Still hot and dry

Hello everyone, Cheryl thanks for posting a picture of you and Rick and the grandkids. I hadn't seen a picture of your new teeth yet. From what I could tell you looked pretty good. How are you doing with them? Still hot and dry down here. It makes us a little nervous for huricane season. The rule of thumb is dry spring, bad huricane season. James finished his baseball season. It was a lot of fun. He'll take the summer off and then do either tackle football or baseball in the fall. Tackle football is a big commitment, 2hours a day 5 days a week. Meghan is still busy with travel basketball. We go to a tournament June 2,3,4 which will give us our final rank in the state, right now we're 4th. Not bad for the small town of Jupiter!! On July 11 we go to nationals in Tampa. The top 8 teams qualify for that tournament, should be fun. Kevin had carpaltunal (I'm sure i didn't spell it correctly sound it out) surgury on his right hand last week. He fell back asleep after he came out of the recovery room and they had a hard time wakeing him up again. This Thursday he goes to the O.R. again for his back. It's been a long time since his last procedure so he's really looking forward to the releif. Meghan had her 8th grade dance this past Friday. What a blast between nails, hair, make-up and going from house to house with a couple girls and us moms to check everyone else out. She had a great time and looked beautiful, maybe I can figure out how to send some photos. I personally have been doing good, I feel like I'm always in the car dropping off or picking up. Starting Thursday the 25th I have till the 5 of June off, the doctor is going out of town plan on painting, and cleaning closets!! Later


Yeah, it's May

It is finally getting to be dry this week after 31/2" of rain the last 2 weeks.

Kayla's baptism was Mother's Day, with dinner afterwards. That was lovely and that's where the pic is from.

Lilly's graduation from pre-school is tomorrow night, with a little party at our house.

Mom and Dad go to see the heart doctor this morning for something in the english language about his test results. I do know one is 90% blocked and a couple others 40% blocked, I assume you have all asked them about it.

I also believe Mom will be going on oxygen shortly. Last week at her tests her lung capacity was 30% and her blood oxygen level was 87% which is adding to her forgetfulness.

They both are in goods spirits though and accepting of whatever they need to do.

John's graduation is next week, right Jeanne ? I do believe they plan on driving out for that. Congratulations to him on that. I am sorry I can't be there for that, but I will be sending a card and know that we are thinking of him on his great day.


Talked to Diane and she was telling me how hot it is there. We are still waiting. About 60 and breezy, making it still a bit chilly.

Kate is being a handful for Mom and Dad, but they love her. It is a good thing Rick and I got her house trained while they were gone to Diane's. They have a fenced in area for her in the back yard between the old house and wood house.

Kara and Darren and the boys are in Indiana this weekend. Logan is growing by leaps and bounds, even faster than Isaiah. He is over 11# already.

Kayla is getting baptized on Mother's Day at the same church they got married in. Then dinner out with everyone.

Ted Mohler had a heart attack this week, had a triple bypass done. Isn't doing that well.

Ila was also in the hospital over night, but the tests came back okay.

Just as an fyi, Dad did results back from his tests when he was in overnight. Ask him about it.

Lilly graduates from pre-school this month. You can't have one without the other. Everytime I pick up Lilly, it takes 30 secs, to 'let's call Kara and see what Isaiah is doing.' Or' I wonder what Isaiah is doing today'. He's really funny to listen to, trying to talk in sentences, sounding all grown up. He does pretty good.

Worked in the yard yesterday and need to finish up today. Lilly will be here.


Spring news

We are sure enjoying the spring here. Our pond is prettiest in the spring with the daffodils and tulips and crocuses to decorate it. They have gone by now. One frog is still here. He must have survived the winter and he is croaking a lot in the evening. Stan put some more tadpoles in last week too. A few weeks ago a pair of mallards started to come to the pond early in the morning and the female made a nest in one of the bushes. She faithfully sits there and she is quite accustomed to us now and even the lawn mower doesn't bother her. She has about 12 eggs. Dad said he thought after they hatch they would move out fairly soon. We hope so because our little pond couldn't handle them all. Plus Lillie, our golden retriever loves to chase birds.

Sarah's rabbit Angel died this week. Suddenly too. One day she seemed fine and the next we found her dead. It was hard for Sarah as she had her for almost 8 years.

Stan's lyme symptoms flared up starting aabout two months ago. The blood test showed positive with one band as they call it, showing recent antibodies rather than latent. We started him on a protocol that uses NaCl tablets and Vit C. He is up to 5 grams of each a day. Two weeks after he started this protocol and at only 2 grams of each, his fatigue, pain in knees, and burning on his feet cleared. He is feeling much better. His right eye is still quite affected and bothersome. He sees his eye specialist again soon to see how the clot is doing. As far as the protocol goes he will work up to 10 to 12 grams of each and this will continue for months. lymephotos.com is the site with information and I joined lyme strategies a yahoo group where lots of people are using this protocol. I would still like to get a Rife machine which is also used by lyme sufferers but it's pricey and Stan hasn't wanted to go that route yet. They use electromagnetic frequencies to match the lyme frequencies and basically shatter the spirochetes.

Today in our big backyard down below our house is the Turkey Hill Festival. There are tents set up and all kinds of free food compliments of Turkey Hill a mini market business here in Manor Township. They sponsor a large bike race here every year. Where we live is excellent bike riding and all year we have bikers. Turkey Hill started as a cow dairy and it still is but it has expanded to include all kinds of stuff. Their huge fake cow is here too. I see the bike race just started. Their off! I'm not sure how many times they bike the course, but it takes almost two hours. The five K and ten K foot races finished early and they also have foot races for younger kids. My kids love this festival and right in their backyard!
