
Spring news

We are sure enjoying the spring here. Our pond is prettiest in the spring with the daffodils and tulips and crocuses to decorate it. They have gone by now. One frog is still here. He must have survived the winter and he is croaking a lot in the evening. Stan put some more tadpoles in last week too. A few weeks ago a pair of mallards started to come to the pond early in the morning and the female made a nest in one of the bushes. She faithfully sits there and she is quite accustomed to us now and even the lawn mower doesn't bother her. She has about 12 eggs. Dad said he thought after they hatch they would move out fairly soon. We hope so because our little pond couldn't handle them all. Plus Lillie, our golden retriever loves to chase birds.

Sarah's rabbit Angel died this week. Suddenly too. One day she seemed fine and the next we found her dead. It was hard for Sarah as she had her for almost 8 years.

Stan's lyme symptoms flared up starting aabout two months ago. The blood test showed positive with one band as they call it, showing recent antibodies rather than latent. We started him on a protocol that uses NaCl tablets and Vit C. He is up to 5 grams of each a day. Two weeks after he started this protocol and at only 2 grams of each, his fatigue, pain in knees, and burning on his feet cleared. He is feeling much better. His right eye is still quite affected and bothersome. He sees his eye specialist again soon to see how the clot is doing. As far as the protocol goes he will work up to 10 to 12 grams of each and this will continue for months. lymephotos.com is the site with information and I joined lyme strategies a yahoo group where lots of people are using this protocol. I would still like to get a Rife machine which is also used by lyme sufferers but it's pricey and Stan hasn't wanted to go that route yet. They use electromagnetic frequencies to match the lyme frequencies and basically shatter the spirochetes.

Today in our big backyard down below our house is the Turkey Hill Festival. There are tents set up and all kinds of free food compliments of Turkey Hill a mini market business here in Manor Township. They sponsor a large bike race here every year. Where we live is excellent bike riding and all year we have bikers. Turkey Hill started as a cow dairy and it still is but it has expanded to include all kinds of stuff. Their huge fake cow is here too. I see the bike race just started. Their off! I'm not sure how many times they bike the course, but it takes almost two hours. The five K and ten K foot races finished early and they also have foot races for younger kids. My kids love this festival and right in their backyard!


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