
Hello everyone!!! My first post!! My 8 weeks are finally up. I go back to work on Tuesday. Logan is getting really big. At one month he was 13 lbs 3 oz. He goes back to the dr a week from Monday. Can't wait to see where he is then. Isaiah and Logan will be going to a new sitter for the summer since their normal sitter is expecting and due June 6th. A little worried about how Isaiah will do since he has been at Becky's since he was 6 weeks old. He says he won't cry but we will see how he does. Darren and I are looking at maybe being able to stay at home either full time or maybe part time. We will see. Well I just wanted to send a quick post out. I hope everyone is doing good. Oh and Diane, the outfits that you got Isaiah when he was born he didn't really get to wear but they have been perfect for Logan!!!! Talk to everyone later.


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