
Talked to Diane and she was telling me how hot it is there. We are still waiting. About 60 and breezy, making it still a bit chilly.

Kate is being a handful for Mom and Dad, but they love her. It is a good thing Rick and I got her house trained while they were gone to Diane's. They have a fenced in area for her in the back yard between the old house and wood house.

Kara and Darren and the boys are in Indiana this weekend. Logan is growing by leaps and bounds, even faster than Isaiah. He is over 11# already.

Kayla is getting baptized on Mother's Day at the same church they got married in. Then dinner out with everyone.

Ted Mohler had a heart attack this week, had a triple bypass done. Isn't doing that well.

Ila was also in the hospital over night, but the tests came back okay.

Just as an fyi, Dad did results back from his tests when he was in overnight. Ask him about it.

Lilly graduates from pre-school this month. You can't have one without the other. Everytime I pick up Lilly, it takes 30 secs, to 'let's call Kara and see what Isaiah is doing.' Or' I wonder what Isaiah is doing today'. He's really funny to listen to, trying to talk in sentences, sounding all grown up. He does pretty good.

Worked in the yard yesterday and need to finish up today. Lilly will be here.

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