
Summer break

Hello Everyone,
We finished our school for the year here! That's always a nice feeling. We had our evaluations this past Friday and all went well. I had chosen a different evaluator and she did not disappoint me. She gave each child a lot of time and enjoyed all the work they had to show off. Today is Tuesday and I feel like I have a lot of time on my hands to catch up.

Stan's brother, Doug, and his wife Stephanie were here yesterday for the day. Had a nice visit. They have a kerry blue terrier dog with them who just had obedience training in Pittsburgh. Nice dog but not for me. We hope they will come down for Christmas this year.

Kara, glad to hear from you. I'm anxious to meet Logan. I have never regretted staying home with my kids. I worked one day a week for years and that was a nice fit for us as Stan would watch the kids. I'm not working outside the home at all the past five years. I always loved nursing but I don't need the stress right now. If I ever went back it would not be to hospital nursing.

Diane, I bet it's hot down there. It's finally summer here. 94 today. Would you please look in your den for some necklaces of mine. I took 3 brown beaded necklaces, colorful and an opal necklace mounted on a square piece of sterling silver. It was Stan's moms.

Cheryl, I really liked your longer hair!

Wayne, I'm glad to hear about your new position!

John's graduation is June 6. I'm glad Mom and Dad can come. I do get concerned about the long drive for them. We will get to meet Katy. We have a golden too, Lily. They ought to have fun together. `John may or may not leave in July for the Marines. He is fighting something and is extremely fatigued. This has gone on for about three months. Frequency testing showed acute mono. Lab testing looked normal for a number of things. The doctor would like him to wait and John is okay with that. So am I!

Well, I'm off to enjoy my first day of vacation.
Love, Jeanne

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